Size and method of spreading.
Carpet bugle family.
Ajuga reptans texas tough suntough carpet bugle a low groundcover growing under 6 inches tall with dense cover of green rounded slightly scalloped leaves.
Bugleweed ajuga reptans also called common bugleweed is a fast growing herbaceous perennial ground cover the species name reptans means creeping although it produces beautiful flower spikes and is available in several different cultivars that work well in landscaping it can also make quite a nuisance of itself through its aggressive spreading via underground runners called stolens.
However when placed in strategic locations its quick growth and mat forming trait can provide instant coverage with only a few plants.
This is a very popular ground cover.
The basal leaves are up to 3 long and 1 across.
Blooming in late spring to early summer the flowers rise above the contrasting spreading rosettes formed by the leaves putting on an eye catching display.
It is known as bugle weed and the more ground hugging species were the carpet bugles.
The genus was assigned by linnaeus from the latin for not yoked which refers to a certain part of the flower.
It spreads quickly by runners making a mat of dark green leaves that grow 2 to 3 inches wide in full sun and 3 to 4 inches wide in part shade.
Selections with bronze or metallic tinted leaves keep color best in full sun.
This garden perennial falls into the mint family along with all the useful herbs.
This herbaceous perennial plant is 4 12 tall and unbranched consisting of a rosette of leaves and a flowering stalk.
Ajuga ground cover spreads through runners and as a member of the mint family it can get out of control without proper care.
Bugleweed is a low growing ground cover usually staying under 6 inches.
Ajuga reptans is commonly known as bugle blue bugle bugleherb bugleweed carpetweed carpet bugleweed and common bugle and traditionally but less commonly as st.
Carpet bugle ajuga reptans mint family lamiaceae description.
Trailing rooting ground covers have trailing stems that spread out from a central root system.
They are evergreen or semi evergreen obovate spoon shaped and nearly hairless.
Ajuga reptans black scallop carpet bugle is a creeping perennial prized for its short spikes of fragrant deep blue flowers and very glossy near black scalloped leaves.
Narrow spikes to 10 inches tall with whorls of dark blue purple flowers appear in abundance in spring.
Ajuga reptans carpet bugle blephilia ciliata ohio horse mint blephilia hirsuta wood mint callicarpa americana american beautyberry beautyberry french mulberry clinopodium arkansanum arkansas calamint satureja low calamint collinsonia canadensis richweed citronella horse balm cunila origanoides dittany galeopsis tetrahit.
Lawrence plant it is an herbaceous flowering plant in the mint family native to europe it is invasive in parts of north america.